We started selling products to County Jails 15 years ago. I’d never been in a jail to that point. I had never met any jail staff and because of that I was very ignorant.

Since that time, I’ve attended over 100 jail training conferences and met hundreds of jail staff. Jail staff live in a world that I never knew existed. Most people don’t either. It’s been one of the best experiences of my life to learn about the underappreciated people who make up corrections. I’ve learned so much about the gears that make your facilities run. Your professionalism and precision dealing with your “guests” is amazing. Moreover, the hard working people who put themselves in harms way every day with little to no appreciation from the rest of us.

I wish people had an idea of what jail staff go through on a minute to minute basis to keep the rest of us safe. I believe they would come to believe what I believe. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude and recognition because of the sacrifices that you make for the rest of us.

We learn about corrections by hearing misleading information like “cable tv for inmates”. Things that with no context seem wrong. After acquiring some knowledge however, I see that there is a reason for everything. I hope that the general public will become more aware of what you do. I hope they learn that there is no “mollycoddling” of inmates. The safety of the jail staff is of great importance too. If a few perks have to be given in order to keep the staff safe and the building safe, then that is money well spent. We owe the jail staff not only our thanks, but the opportunity to work in a safe environment if possible. Let’s not lose sight of the forest for the trees.

Thank You to the people of Corrections

Cory Hoover